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More Keys to Route Setting
More Keys to Route Setting
More Keys to Route Setting
More Keys to Route Setting
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, More Keys to Route Setting
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, More Keys to Route Setting
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, More Keys to Route Setting
  • Afbeelding in Gallery-weergave laden, More Keys to Route Setting

More Keys to Route Setting

Jacky Godoffe
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Uitverkocht Binnenkort beschikbaar

In the sequel to 'My Keys to Route Setting', Jacky Godoffe has managed to provide even more fascinating insights. This follow-up, titled 'More Keys to Route Setting,' offers a wealth of information and covers a wider range of topics. It includes insights into the mental processes involved, techniques like para setting, and strategies for preventing injuries. Moreover, the book features numerous essays contributed by both male and female setters from around the world, all sharing their infectious passion for the craft.

  • ABC world tour addiction
  • 50 More keys (Before setting, Heart of Setting, Bohemian Rapsody)
  • Para setting
  • Looking back: Motion & Emotion
  • On the Edge

Language: English
Photos: Marc Daviet, Stephan Denys, Sytse van Slooten
Design: Atelier Digital

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